About Me

Hello! I’m Edward, and I’d like to extend a warm welcome to you as you explore my world at Pet Supplies Plus. This brand is not just a business to me; it’s a celebration of the amazing world of animals and pets that I get to live every day.

My journey began on a small, 16-acre farm in the heart of Missouri, where my wife and I settled while we were young. We’ve embraced the tranquility of rural life, raising our four children here and now enjoying the delightful company of our seven grandchildren.

Over the years, our farm has been home to a lively collection of animals. We’ve had litters of puppies and kittens, and we’ve raised horses, sheep, and goats. Right now, our companions include chickens, dogs, cats, and of course, the ever-mischievous ducks. Each one brings its own charm to our lives, enriching our days with joy and lessons.

I’m here because I believe that my lifetime with animals equips me to help you in your pet care journey. Whether you’re dealing with mischievous ducks of your own or a tail-wagging puppy, there’s always something to share and learn.

This site isn’t just about my story. It’s a platform where we can come together, exchange stories, and celebrate the pets we love so dearly. I invite you to join in by sharing your own pet photos and tales, adding to the tapestry of this vibrant community. Thanks so much for being part of this adventure.

Now, let’s explore the wonders of pet care, sharing knowledge that spans generations and animal species alike.

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